BA Bands eNews

May 15, 2016

Directors Notes

2016 Pride Membership
A complete listing can be found on the Pride’s website at An Informative Parent Meeting will begin at 7:00pm THIS WEEK on TUESDAY, May 17th in the High School Band Room. All parents should plan to attend this meeting.

2016 Pride Horn Line dates:

  • May 17 (7:00pm) Pride Parent Meeting in the HS Band Hall
  • May 21 & 22 (10:00 - 4:00) Pride Mattress Fundraiser - All Pride Members will work a shift
  • May 24-26 (12:00 - 5:00) Pride Horn Line Mini Camp #1
  • June 28-30 (12:00 - 5:00) Pride Horn Line Mini Camp #2
  • July 12-14 (12:00 - 5:00) Pride Horn Line Mini Camp #3
  • July 20 - DCI Drums of Summer at BA Stadium

Pride Color Guard Rehearsal and Camp Dates

  • May 17 (7:00pm) Pride Parent Meeting in the HS Band Hall
  • May 21 & 22 (10:00 - 4:00) Pride Mattress Fundraiser - All Pride Members will work a shift
  • May 24-26 (2:00-5:00 & 6:00-9:00) Color Guard Mini Camp #1
  • June 7 (5:00-8:00) Guard Rehearsal
  • June 14 (5:00-8:00) Guard Rehearsal
  • June 20-23 (TBA) Color Guard Mini Camp #2

Congratulations to the 2016 Broken Arrow HS Percussion Ensemble!
The following students have earned a position to perform with the Broken Arrow HS Percussion Ensemble at the 70th Annual Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, Illinois in December 2016. There will be an informational meeting for all involved parents and students regarding the Midwest Clinic trip THIS Thursday, May 19th at 6:00PM in the BAHS Band Hall. Congratulations to all students! We look forward to an incredible performance and a memorable experience this coming December!

Adriane Baker
Elijah Boado
Alexis Butefish
Ethan Cline
Aaron DeVries
Courtney Hamilton
Blake Jumper
Bryce King
Tyson McCay
Chris Pollard
Hunter Royal
Jack Summers
ebecca Sunny
Chris Tucker
Colin Watson

BAHS Graduation
Congratulations to our 2016 Graduates as you complete your High School careers! This is an exciting time to reflect on the great memories and look forward to their exciting futures! All Sophomore & Juniors are required to perform at the 2015 BAHS Graduation Ceremony on Monday, May 16 at the Downtown Tulsa BOK Center. Sophomores & Juniors must provide their transportation and be at the BOK Center by 5:45pm (Report time is subject to change and parking fees may apply). The uniform for this event is 'dress up clothes'. This event typically ends at around 9:45pm.

Drums of Summer - DCI Show in Broken Arrow
The 2016 DCI Show hosted in Broken Arrow will be on Wednesday, July 20 at BA's Memorial Stadium. This year’s event features: Blue Knights, Blue Stars, The Cadets, Colts, Crossmen, Jersey Surf, Mandarins, Oregron Crusaders and many others. WOW!! What an amazing line up. Tickets are on sale now at There are also many opportunities to volunteer. Contact Joe Kesterson (VP of Special Events) at for more info…. Tickets will go on sale very soon at

From the Band Office:

Lost and Found
No one has come to claim any items since our last eNews.  There are several lost & found items locked away in the band office: cell phones, eyeglasses, jewelry, clothing. If you are missing any said items, please stop by and see Mrs. Good.  Anything left after the last day of school may be tossed out. 

Banquet Packets
If you did not pick up your packet after the banquet, please see Mrs. Good in the band office.

Charms/Pay Pal
Parents, if you make PayPal payments they must go through the Charms site or they may not post correctly to your student’s account. If you’ve made a PayPal payment and you don’t see it posted to your student’s account in a few days please contact Mrs. Good.

Project Graduation

Project Graduation, the annual all-night celebration for graduating Broken Arrow HS seniors, is looking for some help. There are a couple of ways you can lend a hand:

1. Volunteer at Project Graduation: If you would like to volunteer for a shift at Project Graduation, just follow THIS LINK to the Project Graduation SignUpGenius. You will need to create an account but it is FREE.


Cori Aschkenas -

DINE OUT NIGHT MAY 24TH AT LONE STAR STEAKHOUSE! During the entire day Lone Star will donate 15% of your check back to Broken Arrow Bands! You MUST present THIS flyer to receive the donation! We hope to see you there!

PRIDE DISCOUNT CARDS- We will have discount cards available at the May band parent meeting! There is a limit of 15 cards that can be checked out at a time per student. The cards sell for $20 each, with $15 of each card you sell going towards your student account; this is a 75% profit margin to the student, the best individual fundraiser we will offer this season. There are some great restaurants and discounts on these cards - most of these places are different from other discount cards, and makes this have the potential to be a great seller! This fundraiser will go through the end of June.  If you know any rookie parents, please tell them about this fundraiser and have them come to this meeting.

We will have Chocolate Bars and Almonds for sale at the band parent meeting on Tuesday night! THE RULES HAVE CHANGED!! For more information please contact Shawn Wolters @

We send out updates often regarding fundraisers specifically. If you would like to be added to this email list, please let us know by emailing and asking to be added to the list.

Cori Aschkenas -

Congratulations and welcome to all of our returning and Rookie families!!! The Pride store will be set up in the Orchestra room on evenings when there is a Band Parent Meeting. We open at 6:30pm and will be open after the meetings as well. The Orchestra Room is located directly across from the Band room behind the practice rooms. We will also be at the closet, located across from the band room, after school until 5pm, usually once a month. The closet days will be announced in ENews and/or our Pride Store Update emails. If you would like to be added to the Update email list please email

**Please be aware that we can only accept CASH or CHECKS at this time**

***SALE***Make sure to stop by and check out our sale at the May band parent meeting!!! ***This Tuesday Only***Duffle Bags $40!!! They will go back up to $45 after Tuesday. Duffle+White T-shirt Rookie Deal $50!!! That’s a duffle plus any white T (excluding Rose Parade T) for only $50!!! Don’t miss out!

We have had many requests for the Rose Parade baseball T. Great News!! We have ordered more and hope to have them in by the meeting.

ORDER FORMS FOR 2016 - CLICK HERE! Order forms for 2016 will be available online on the Pride Web-site under Resources and and the Pride Store tab. We will have a limited number of order forms printed out at the meeting. Please see attached order forms and print out yours ahead of time. It will ensure you get one and save you time Tuesday night. We will not be accepting any orders requested through email or Facebook. We must have your form and payment turned in before the deadline.

June 11th: Movie Night on the Field
We will be featuring THE PRINCESS BRIDE. Please share and invite your friends and neighbors to the event. To sign up to volunteer for the event CLICK HERE.

JULY 17th: Inaugural Golf Tournament
The event will be held at the Battlecreek Golf Club. CLICK HERE for information on the event and registration form. We ask you to talk to your friends, neighbors, family members, and co-workers and invite them to participate in the tournament. We need your help to spread the word. If you would be willing to help distribute flyers about the event in the upcoming months please email Rodney Watson at or Marshall Rayborn at If you would like to serve on a variety of committees to make the event a success please email Marci Hinnen at If your business or someone you know of would be interested in sponsoring the golf tournament CLICK HERE for detailed information on sponsorship. We NEED every member’s family to help us find teams to play and companies to sponsor this event in order to make it a huge success. Please download and email the attached flyers to anyone you might think would be interested.

Distribution of Andy’s Coupons has begun. If you need to pick up your first 10 coupons, turn in money or get additional tickets please email us at Coupons are no longer available for pick up at the band office. If you are going to request more than 10 you will need to pay the full value up front. ie. 20 tickets require a $60 payment.  CLICK HERE for detailed information on the Andy's Coupon Fundraiser. This is a required group fundraiser.  ALL MEMBERS NEED TO SELL 50 COUPONS.  MONEY IS DUE FOR ALL CARDS CHECKED OUT TO THIS POINT AT THE BAND PARENT MEETING ON MAY 17TH. We will be available starting at 6:00pm in the band hall to turn in money and check out additional cards. If you have already check out 10 and return your $ you will be allowed to check out 20 without payment upfront. Please remember that money not turned in on the coupons will result in the full value being charged to your students account.

Mattress fundraiser will be held in the Band Room on MAY 21st & 22nd. All Pride members will participate on one of those two days. This fundraising supports the group as well as the individual account. CLICK HERE for detailed information on the mattress fundraiser.

If you missed the Special Edition Rose Parade Fundraising eNews, please CLICK HERE for that information!

Drums of Summer coming July 20th! Please like and share Facebook announcements and help us get the word out as we get closer. Keep that date free, it takes lots of volunteers to put on a first class show. We’ll begin signing up volunteers at the May band parent meeting. See you there!


Email anytime.


Thank you to the volunteers who helped with the Championship Soccer concessions this past Saturday. It was a great success!!!

To renew your food handlers or if you are new to Pride CLICK HERE and take a few minutes to answer a few questions and you will be ready for the next Pride year!!!! If you are interested in finding out more about concessions or volunteering email

Ky and Michiele Vargas -

We are putting together a list of companies that can help us by providing funds if pride families use their services. For example, Protection 1 Security Solutions (through LaShona McWhirt) can donate $50 to your individual account if you switch or start new security service with them. If you are part of a company that offers this type of fundraising, please let us know. We are hoping to have a list of such opportunities for the next band parent meeting.

Upcoming Dates and Events
May 16 - Graduation (All Sophomore & Junior Band Members Required to Attend)
May 17 - Band Parent Meeting - 7:00pm
May 21-22 - Mattress Fundraiser (10:00-4:00pm)  All Pride members will work a shift
May 24-26 - Pride Horn Line Mini Camp #1 (12:00-5:00)
May 24-26 - Color Guard Mini Camp #1 (2:00-5:00 & 6:00-9:00)
June 7 - Colo Guard Rehearsal (5:00-8:00)
June 11 - Movie Night in the Stadium
June 14 - Color Guard Rehearsal (5:00-8:00)
June 18 - Pride Car Wash - All members will work a shift
June 20-23 - Color Guard Mini Camp #2 (times TBA)
June 28-30 - Pride Horn Line Mini Camp #2 (12:00-5:00)
June 28 - Band Parent Meeting - 7:00pm
July 9 - Movie Night int he Stadium
July 12-14 - Pride Horn Line Mini Camp #3 (12:00-5:00)
July 16 - Pride Car Wash - All members will work a shift
July 17 - Pride Open Golf Tournament at Battle Creek GC
July 20 - DCI - Drums of Summer in Broken Arrow
July 25 - Mandatory Pride Camp Begins
Aug 13 - Movie Night in the Stadium (including Historic Pride of Broken Arrow shows)
Oct 8 - Run with the Pride

Volunteer With BA Bands!

Broken Arrow Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs or activities.

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