BA Bands eNews
June 1, 2015
Wind Band Auditions for the NEW 10-12 High School Click HERE to view the audition results for the 2015-2016 Wind Bands!
2015 HS Wind Ensemble Rehearsal this week The first rehearsals for the 2015 HS Wind Ensemble begin this week on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-10:30am at the HS. Remember to turn in your summer conflict forms no later that Tuesday.
Pride Account Payments / Charms / First Payment Due Until notified in an upcoming eNews, all payments to 2015 Pride New-Member Student Accounts must be made by delivering to the BAHS Band Office OR by mailing to BAHS. New Pride Member Charms accounts are still under construction to be set up for each member. We will make an eNews notification once the Charms accounts are set up for the 2015 Pride season. The first payment of $235 is due. The June payment is $300. Band Summer Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00-4:00pm.
Payments may be mailed to: BAHS Bands 1901 E Albany Broken Arrow, OK 74012
2015 Pride Payment Schedule May $235 June $300 July $300 August $300 September $300 October $300 November $200
Drums of Summer - DCI Show in Broken Arrow The 2015 DCI Show hosted in Broken Arrow will be on Tuesday, July 21 at BA's Memorial Stadium. This year's event features: Blue Knights, Blue Stars, The Cadets, Colts, Crossmen, Jersey Surf, Mandarins, Oregron Crusaders and Pacific Crest. WOW!! What an amazing line up. Tickets are on sale now at DrumsOfSummer.com. There are also many opportunities to volunteer. Contact Joe Kesterson (VP of Special Events) at BASpecialEvents@gmail.com for more info.... Do you have your tickets yet? Tickets are on sale now at DrumsOfSummer.com
Pride Horn Line Mini Camp This Week The Pride Horn Line will meet this week at the HS Band Hall and Practice Field from 12:00-5:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. All Horn Line members are to "dress out" in appropriate marching attire and white T-shirts.
- 6/2 (12:00-5:00) Pride Rehearsal
- 6/3 (12:00-5:00) Pride Rehearsal
- 6/4 (12:00-5:00) Pride Rehearsal
- 7/14 (12:00-5:00) Pride Rehearsal
- 7/15 (12:00-5:00) Pride Rehearsal
- 7/16 (12:00-5:00) Pride Rehearsal
Pride Percussion Rehearsals June 3 Snares and Tenors 12:00-2:00 Bass Drums 3:00-5:00 June 4 Snares and Tenors 12:00-2:00 Bass Drums 3:00-5:00 June 5 All Drum Line 2:00-5:00 Veteran Drum Line (Relay for Life) 6:00pm June 17 Vibes, Xylo, Bells, Crotales 12:00-2:00 Snares 12:00-2:00 June 22 Vibes, Xylo, Bells, Crotales 12:00-2:00 Snares 12:00-2:00 Bass Drums 3:00-5:00 June 24 Bass Drums 2:00-4:00 July 6 Marimbas 10:00am-12:00pm Tenors 12:00-2:00 July 7 Tenors 12:00-2:00 Bass Drums 2:00-4:00 July 8 Marimbas 10:00am-12:00pm Tenors 12:00-2:00 Bass Drums 2:00-4:00 July 13 Pride Battery 12:00-3:00 July 14 Pride Battery 12:00-3:00 July 15 Pride Battery 12:00-3:00
JAZZ NOTES Jazz Auditions are complete! Refer to the Broken Arrow Jazz section of our website to see audition results!
PRESIDENT We are in the process of matching mentors with mentees. If you indicated a desire to either serve as a mentor or have a mentor for this season, you can expect to receive a message in the couple of weeks with information about your match.
BUS TO GRAND NATIONALS IN INDIANAPOLIS Contact Javon Sixsmith at pridefanbus@gmail.com or text 918-814-0100 for more information on a charter bus to Indy for family and friends of the Pride. Please note, this charter is not organized or affiliated with Broken Arrow Public Schools, BA Bands or the Band Parent Association, therefore, any questions about this should be directed exclusively to Javon Sixsmith.
FUNCTIONS During Pride camp in July we give Popsicles to the kids. If you would like to be on a list of people to help hand these out, send an email to bafunctions@gmail.com. We will request donations of popsicles as we get closer to camp.
Also, if you missed the parent meeting and would like to be on the sewing, washing, feeding or home stand chaperone list send your name and contact info to bafunctions@gmail.com.
FUNDRAISING Cori Aschkenas - BABandFundraising@gmail.com
EARN MONEY FOR YOUR BAND TRIP ACCOUNT! Work in the home plate concession stand at the Tulsa Drillers baseball games. Earn $35 for evening and weekend games and $45 for day games. If you and your student (or any family member 14 or older) work just 10 games, you will put at least $700 in your account and IT'S FUN!! For more information, please email bapridework@hotmail.com.
Discount Card Fundraiser - We will have additional cards for check out on June 2nd during horn line practice and for 30 minutes afterward! If you are having issues with the login information, please call the number on the back of the card and they will take care of it for you. In the meantime we are trying to get it fixed. $20 for 23 local business discounts!! $15 per card will get credited to your child's trip account!!! For more information contact Cori Aschkenas @Babandfundraising@gmail.com.
We are now taking orders for World’s Finest Chocolate Bars. All orders are due by June 2nd! We will have this chocolate available on June 2nd during horn line practice. For more information, please see order form here!
NEW Facebook page for BA Bands Fundraising and Pride Store activities This page is for BA Bands Students and Parents only. Please ask to join the page titled FUNDRAISING FOR THE PRIDE OF BROKEN ARROW AND BROKEN ARROW BANDS. Order forms, due dates, when to pick up fundraising items, and when the Pride Store will be open are just some of the things that will be available on this page.
PowerPoint presentations with regard to Fundraising, The Pride Store, and the Charms Online Store are available on the Pride Website under the Resource Tab. Click on Pride Store.
PRIDE STORE Cori Aschkenas - BAPrideStore@gmail.com
The next time the Pride Store will be available is on June 2nd from 3:30 to 5:30. The full store will be available at this time!
PowerPoint presentations with regard to Fundraising, The Pride Store, and the Charms Online Store are available on the Pride Web-site under the Resource Tab. Please click Pride Store.
Concessions Just eight short weeks to our first event of the season! Drums of Summer is Tuesday July 21st and we need your help. CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER FOR DRUMS OF SUMMER! There is a place to list areas you'd like to work. Add concessions in that box to join us for this event. Anytime you have any questions please email baconcessions@gmail.com. Have a great summer!
Special Events Drums of Summer-
DCI Drum Corp competition will be hosted at BAHS on Tuesday, July 21st. Please help us promote this event by liking our drumsofsummer.com facebook page and getting the word out. Tickets are on sale now at DCI.org.
Ticket sales will start at 3pm, gates open at 6pm and the show starts at 7pm
We need around 100 volunteers to make this event a success. We need you! CLICK HERE to Sign up to volunteer!
Marketing & Development Ky and Michiele Vargas - development.bapride@gmail.com
Volunteer Opportunity: We are expanding our outreach to the middle schools. We want to get middle school parents involved early! If you have a child in the middle schools now or have ever had in the past, you are qualified! If you are interested in helping us in this area, let us know!
Sponsorship Opportunity: We are looking for companies that would like to partner with BA Bands. If you know of a company or work for a company who likes to support local groups, let us know! .
Upcoming Dates and Events June 2-4 - Pride Horn Line Rehearsals (12:00-5:00PM) July 14-16 - Pride Horn Line Rehearsals (12:00-5:00PM) July 21 - DCI Drums of Summer at BA Memorial Stadium July 23 - Mandatory Pride Camp Begins
Volunteer With BA Bands!
Broken Arrow Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs or activities.